Sat & Sun (I’m a bit behind)

Me on some rocks.

Hello! Hello! Annika here, yet again. I am about 3 days behind at this point, as my days are packed to the brim. I haven’t had a spare moment since Saturday. On Sunday, around 80 students moved into the dorms. It was chaotic and scary and there was a lot of introducing myself and forgetting Norwegian names. I joined in on my first game of indoor volleyball (found out I kinda suck), and met my roommate, Julie! She is super sweet, and we get along great. In the dorm next to us, lives Mathea and Guro. Good friends of mine at this point, and super fun people to live next to. All three of my roommates are really helpful when it comes to Norwegian announcements (All three girls are native Norwegians) and pronunciation of song lyrics haha. 

Julie is close behind me, and Guro and Mathea are behind us (Left and right). 
We had an introductory dinner at 5pm or 17:00 (They use 24 hour time here), and then a short concert by an up and coming band called Car.Pool. Please check them out. It was kinda amazing not gonna lie. The band members were absolutely feeling their music, and it felt a little sad that we couldn’t stand up, dance, and match their energy. But, still amazing and fun and vibey.  

I’m gonna backtrack, and summarize my day of Saturday because it was spontaneous and I finally got to see the ocean. Exciting stuff. My friend Yhan from Texas is somewhat famous on the app Tik-Tok, and his number of friends in Norway is crazy. Everyday he says to me “So and So is coming to pick us up, get ready.” Always alarming. On Saturday, this very thing happened. We crawled into a friends car and drove to a little cove about 15 minutes away from school. Here are some picture references. The water was blue and beautiful, and the sun made everything glitter. (The pictures are at the top of the page for some reason) Beautiful, beautiful I love it. That may or may not be a quote from 7 year old Annika. Back to Saturday. We stopped by a Kiwi and then got some ice cream. Best I’ve ever had. It’s called soft serve with chocolate stuff, or at least that’s how I ordered it. In Norwegian I might add. I’m learning. 

My Kiwi haul.

More new friends. The girl with the pink hair is Pia. These cows live at the local school near Tangvall. 

My ice cream. Quite delectable.

The weekend was full of new people and introductions. It was exciting to start school and begin a regular-ish routine. The next post will be about my first few school days! Exciting stuff! 

Ta-Ta for now 😊

- Annika Mia Nielsen


  1. Love that you posted your full name I was wondering which Annika Nielsen you where !!

  2. The scenery is breath taking. Looks like the weather is warm. The ice cream looks wonderful!


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