Off to the next adventure

Alrighty. Tomorrow NLC and Global leave right after breakfast to go on another trip. This time we are going to Oslo! The trip lasts until Thursday, and then autumn break starts so my friends and I are just staying in Oslo. So I’m gonna post right now, and then hopefully I will post again when I get home. Potentially the 9th or 10th of October. Here are some events from the last few days.

A couple days ago two girls from the school took some epic pictures of the three of us. Kinda funky fresh. 

Yewon and I outside the school :)

Marlene, Helena, and I after the Saturday night events. 

Cute little care package from my momma💜

Me attempting to do Lukas’s hair. 

Packing list for our trip 

We had a 1920s themed evening last night. The Checkpoint Charlie class was in charge of entertaining the school for the evening. They did dinner, games, an escape room, and a super fun little dance. That’s Helena and I

We made some brownies while watching pirates of the Caribbean’s. My favorite. 

There will be much to report in a few weeks. See you all then! 


  1. Yay the shoes ! Thank goodness. Other packages coming soon, we’ll soon? Other packages coming!


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