The Adventure That Was Wednesday!

Our task for the day was to find a stranger, have a conversation with them, and record it. In Norwegian. I know. I freaked out at first too. It turned out to be really fun though. But let's start from the beginning. For the last two weeks, we have been working a lot on questions and basic conversation skills. This means things like where do you come from and what languages do you speak. Fun stuff. It is actually surprising how many words I can pick up now compared to when I first arrived. Even if it is one or two a sentence, I feel proud that I am making some sort of progress. Shoot I just burned my mouth. I suck at guessing when my tea is cooled off enough. Anyways, Wednesday. We wandered around avoiding our task for a while. This meant stopping at a bakery, clothes shopping, me buying hair dye (😏), and a necessary trip to Normal. Time for a photo break. 

Here was our Norwegian introduction. 

Marlene and Helena. Two of my favorite people in the whole world. 

Okay, this place has a story. 

We were looking for some sort of vintage store cuz we are cheap. We ended up in this little store here. The woman working there was super sweet and very friendly so I asked if I could interview her for my class at Agder Folkehøgskole, and she got super excited because she went there like 20 years ago!. What a coincidence. Anyways, I did my interview and it was great and I understood about 40% of what she said which is a lot more than I did 3 weeks ago. The store ended up being a place where local artists sell their work. It was a combination of food, pottery, clothing, and so much other random stuff. But she gave us all free pins and the coolest trucker hat ever. 

We have gotten conflicting translations from different people, so I really have no idea what it says. That could be dangerous. 

The moral of the story is that that lady was amazing (I would just say her name but I know I will absolutely butcher the spelling), and if you are ever in Kristiansand, please go to that store and support their small business. After our appointments at the police station, we went to the same vegan cafe we went to last time. It's one of our favorite places. The appointment at the police station went very smooth for some and not as smooth for others. For us from the US, we just had to give them our passport, take a photo, and scan our fingerprints. But some people had to do a lot more. Anyways, I have a lot of pictures from this cafe because it is very aesthetic and cute and they have a store dog😍. 

My food, some sort of Thai bowl. VERY good. 

One of the workers had a pup. He just wandered around. I wuv him.

Here is the thing Marlene and Helena got.

And the massive salad Pia got. 

Cool mural outside the cafe. 

After that, we helped our friend Chance find a hair-cutting place. He got the big chop. From shoulder length to kinda like me. Long on the top short on the sides. After that, I started reacting to something again and my face began to puff up so I hopped on the bus and headed home. Here's a fun reference picture. 

As I said before, I've been struggling with my skin for a couple of years. It feels really frustrating for it to suddenly be a problem again when it felt like I had it under control. I don't have access to healthcare here yet so there really isn't anything I can do. It's been pretty bad the last few days, and it's starting to affect what I can do. It makes me tired and gives me these weird hot flashes. My face always feels like it's burning. The only reason I am spilling the hot gossip on my face is that I know people don't talk about these types of things much. It feels embarrassing to be struggling when I am surrounded by cool opportunities and cool people, but it is what it is. Surprise! I dyed my hair purple. 

I also got a haircut from SIlvana but I'm too lazy to take a picture.

Okay, that's it. Bye


  1. Love the purple wear it well!

  2. I wonder if the skin thing is influenced by hormones/ monthly cycles. Heather had similar issues. So fun to see and hear your experiences! I can hardly believe you are walking in the same city your great great grandmother walked in! She came to America when she was 21, all by herself, speaking no English!!! You come from strong people and you will be just fine. I am praying for a gifted medical person and the wonderful fresh ocean air to give you what you need. Keep the pics coming! My ❤is with you..grandma


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