Prepping for the North!

It is Wednesday, January 26th, and the NLC class is frantically prepping for our Northern Trip. Although we have been packing and going over the schedule for weeks, there is still lots to do. Every Monday, each student lugs their big 75 L backpack to the NLC room to get it checked by Marianne. We have each curated a number of wool underlayers, thick wool sweaters, wool insoles for shoes, winter boots, parkas, mittens, hats, buffs, and so much more. I will try to attach the packing list somewhere (In Norwegian of course 😏) so you can get an idea of all that we are bringing. We leave next Monday after a busy weekend. Saturday is our school's Vinterball or prom. And my 19th birthday just happens to be the same day! Our first few days involve two overnight trains that get us up to Trondheim. I will try to keep posting over the 3-week trip, but it'll be a busy one so we will see.  In the last few days, I've taken a trip to Ikea took school pictures, worked a lot on the tickets for prom on Saturday, and watched lots of movies with Tuva. Here are some pics.

A friend from school with a car brought us with her to IKEA. It takes about 45 minutes by car, but almost 2 hours by bus. 
Here is Fabian (One of the stipps) taking our pictures for the yearbook. 

Tuva and I wandered around before finding the place where they sell items that were slightly damaged or sent back and therefore sold at a super cheap price. That's where we spent the bulk of our money. On washcloths. Weird, I know. 

Classic IKEA vanilla ice cream. Reminds me of my mom.

Cute picture of Liv from Alaska and Xoan from Vietnam. 

Our Norwegian learning has been sort of pushed to the background in the last two weeks. We spend most of our class time talking about and preparing for the trip. 

That's all for now! 

PS here is the packing list. Good luck translating!


  1. The Ikea clearance section seems like possible the biggest win so far! The yearbook pictures look so cool too!


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